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Project 366: day 305

31 Oct

Evie wanted to make a mask…so she did!


Foodie Penpals October 2012

31 Oct

This month I was lucky enough to be matched to Gesa who sent my parcel from Germany! You can follow Gesa on Twitter here. I can’t wait to use the ingredients that I was sent…although, to be honest, there were very few biscuits left from the moment that I opened the parcel!

The contents of my box from Cologne

The contents of my box from Cologne

The parcel came with a lovely letter explaining what to do with all the food in the parcel.

Here are the contents explained…

"Spekulatius" cookies. Cinnamon spiced and very Christmassy - none left!

“Spekulatius” cookies. Cinnamon spiced and very Christmassy – none left!

Honey Bread to be eaten buttered

Honey Bread to be eaten buttered

Eggnog - a recipe was emailed to me to use this in.

Eggnog – a recipe was emailed to me to use this in.

Pumpkin Cream in honour of halloween

Pumpkin Cream in honour of halloween

Leberwurst for breakfast

Leberwurst for breakfast

Gummibears in the shape of a Cologne landmark

Gummibears in the shape of a Cologne landmark

Reibekuchen - fried potatoes which, in Rhineland, is typically served with mashed apples

Reibekuchen – fried potatoes which, in Rhineland, is typically served with mashed apples

A great haul, I’m sure you will agree! Thank you Gesa!

And here’s the box I sent
